It is ME and YOU that use probiotics and want to understand in general language what it is all about.
Probiotics are your live friendly bacteria (microorganisms) in your Gastro-intestinal tract.
Your GI tract starts in your mouth and not, as many people believe, in your stomach.
THUS - the healthy- or unhealthiness of your mouth can have an effect on your GI tract, which effects your body.
For a healthy GI tract and body, the live friendly bacteria must be in balance with the unfriendly bacteria (pathogenic).
When the bacteria is out of balance and the unfriendly bacteria is more than the friendly bacteria, your body is in trouble.
There are many problems (symptoms) that can occur, telling you that there is trouble.
Yes, you may feel sick all over, but your physical examinations at your GP or laboratory tests are normal.
This is when you must make sure that your symptoms are not related to other disorders.
The most obvious and important symptom can be yeast-related
Look at your medical History:
(According to "THE YEAST CONNECTION” by Dr William G. Crook, MD)
Repeated antibiotics during childhood?
Acne during teen years?
Recurrent urinary infections?
Frequent vaginitis?
Jock itch?
Sexual dysfunction?
Fatigue, depression, headaches?
Visits to many different physicians?
Digestive symptoms?
Craving sweets?
Sick all over, etc, etc?
If this is your history or/and symptoms, the recommendation would be to go on a sugar- and yeast-free diet program.
The NATURAL WAY may include BIOremFERMENT (Probiotic) and COLOSTRUM